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Young People

Falling Off a Cliff at 19

Transitions are periods of change. The change can be positive, negative or both. How a person makes a transition is often dependent upon the degree of support that is available to them. This holds true whether it’s an adult making a move between jobs or an adolescent moving from being a teenager to a young adult.

Young People: Transitions

Young people face numerous challenging transitions as they grow up and make their way into their adult years. Throughout this journey young people with mental health or substance use problems often face extra obstacles. In this issue we explore the complexities of these transitions, the factors that can help or hinder them, as well as the people and programs that are working to support young people as they go through these important life changes.

Treatments: What Works?

It seems like everyone has an opinion when it comes to treatments for mental health or substance use problems. To add to the confusion, it isn’t always obvious who is basing their opinions on real evidence and who is not. And while we often hear people talk about evidence-based treatments, it’s also clear that complementary and alternative medicine approaches are helpful for some.

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