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Young People

Media Literacy

The powerful effect of media images on self-esteem and body image can lead to disordered eating. But we can learn to understand that these images—whether they come from magazines or Facebook—don’t tell the whole story. This is called "media literacy."

Health and Wellness

The key strategies to feeling and looking your best and having a positive outlook in life are to eat well, keep active, and maintain a healthy body weight. It's not easy to eat well consistently and keep fit with a busy schedule and fast food so easily available.

Disordered Eating

Disordered eating consists of a range of thoughts and feelings about food and body image that lie between healthy/normal eating habits with body acceptance at one end and eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder) at the other.


This issue looks at the role and experiences of families, particuarly families of young people, as the majority of mental illness first appears either in childhood, adolescence or young adulthood. It is also during these years that the family's role is most important, and when family support and involvement plays a crucial role in successfully managing the illness.

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  • Jessie's Legacy eating disorders prevention resources, events and information

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