Depression and Anxiety Screening


Welcome to online screening for depression and anxiety on HeretoHelp.

The pages that follow will ask you a few questions about symptoms of depression and anxiety that you may be having. Even if you don't feel depressed or anxious, taking the screen is still a good idea. The questions will help you learn more about signs to look for in yourself or someone you care about. We think you'll find it useful and it will just take a few minutes of your time. Your answers are completely anonymous. We won't record anything that can identify you.

The screening tool will guide you through the following steps:

1First, you'll be asked to provide a little information about yourself so the results page is tailored to you.
2You'll complete a short depression screen.
3You'll then complete a short anxiety screen.
4Finally, your results will be displayed for you to review and print. Remember that the screens cannot diagnose. Only a doctor or a mental health professional can diagnose a mood or anxiety disorder after doing a full assessment.